The 3rd Meeting of Agricultural Cooperation Subcommittee of the Committee of China-Russia Prime Ministers' Regular Meeting was held in Beijing on Oct. 20, 2016. Vice Minister Qu Dongyu and Mr. Sergey Levin, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, co-chaired the Meeting.
The Meeting held an extensive and in-depth discussion on a range of issues, including the bilateral agricultural trade, agricultural investment in the Russian Far East, agricultural S&T and education, animal health, plant disease control and cooperative projects. The Standing Working Group on animal and plant inspection and quarantine and food safety reported the results of its 5th session to the Meeting. And the participants reached a consensus on the work plan for next step of China-Russia agricultural cooperation.
At the end of the Meeting, the two viceministers witnessed the signing of the cooperation agreement between Shenyang Agricultural University and St. Petersburg State Agrarian University. Concurrently with this Meeting, a China-Russiaentrepreneur dialog activity was held, as a communication and cooperation platform to facilitate increased agricultural cooperation. The dialog attracted agribusinesses from 13 provinces of China and companies from Russia.

Since its establishment in 2013, the Agricultural Cooperation Subcommittee has played an important role in promoting agricultural cooperation between China and Russia. Its fourth meeting is scheduled in Russia in the first half of 2017.