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2013 Seminar on Carbon-Nitrogen Biogeochemical Cycle Held in SYAU

On June 27th, sponsored by China-US Ecopartnership for Environmental Sustainability, “2013 Bilateral Seminar on Carbon-Nitrogen Biogeochemical Cycle” was held in Shenyang Agricultural University. Specialists at the seminar conducted in-depth exchanges and discussion on eco-system management and service for sustainable development. SYAU’s president, Professor Zhang Yulong attended and addressed the meeting.
   China-US Ecopartnership for Environmental Sustainability, one of the specific cooperation platforms under the China-US 10-Year Cooperation Framework for Energy and Environment, is dedicated to jointly practicing cooperation in capacity building, experience exchange and practical energy-saving and environmental-protecting projects that are of clear characteristics and innovation. The seminar has also further confirmed the deep cooperation between SYAU and University of Tennessee in cultivation of young faculties, graduate student exchange and etc. During the meeting, four doctoral students from college of Land and Environment, SYAU, who are funded by the project delivered reports of their academic findings in their respective research fields.
   Present at the event also were representatives from co-organizers of University of Tennessee, US Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, Research Institute of Geographical Sciences and Resources, CAS and officers and students from International Exchange Office, SYAU, Office of Subject Construction, SYAU, and College of Land and Environment, SYAU also participated in the event.

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