With great pleasure, we extend our cordial invitation to our colleagues and friends in the horticultural industry throughout the world to Shenyang, China for the 1st International Symposium on Energy-saving and Environmental Control in Protected Cultivation, 12-15 October, 2013.
Under the auspices of the Department of Subject Construction and International Exchange Office of Shenyang Agricultural University, the Symposium is to be organized by College of Horticulture, Shenyang Agricultural University, the Key Laboratory of Protected Horticulture and China Agriculture Research System.
Aiming to facilitate contact among scientists from different countries around the world and improve our knowledge of energy-saving, environmental control and crop production in protected cultivation, the organizers particularly welcome the participation of scientists, researchers and enterprisers working on crop production and greenhouse design as well as protected cultivation management.
As this symposium seeks to address issues and explore the various means of improving the performance of energy-saving and environment control in protected cultivation, we invite presentations that discuss any one or more of the following themes:
• Greenhouse design,
• Microclimate/climate control, energy,
• Water management,
• Covering materials,
• Crop modeling,
• CFD,
• Automation/sensors,
•Lighting technology,
•Crop production/management,
We choose Shenyang Agricultural University as the organizer and venue for this symposium because located in the eastern part of Shenyang city, SYAU has the ideal location and environment that will give you the opportunity to meet specialists involved in research, academic teaching and technology transfer related to Protected Cultivation and Horticulture. During this symposium you will have the opportunity to take a tour of Shenyang city and be invited to have a personal experience in discovering the deliciousness of traditional Chinese food and Chinese white wines.
So please reserve the dates of 12-15 October, 2013 in your calendar. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we encourage our global colleagues to join us, experiencing our unique Chinese hospitality.
Symposium secretariat
Secretary Rui Wang
Phone:+86(024) 88487888-12 , Fax: +86(024) 88487888-15,
email: SYAU2013@126.com
Shenyang Agricultural University Website: http://en.syau.edu.cn/

Professor Tianlai Li, vice president of Shenyang Agricultural University , China, is chair of the national Key Laboratory of Protected Horticulture and Liaoning Provincial Key Laboratory for Protected Horticulture, which are engaged in promoting research and communication on the protected cultivation and the improvement of performance in Chinese solar greenhouse. As the editor-in-chief of Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University, Professor Tianlai Li has been involved in a variety of International Symposiums on horticulture as convener or co-convener .